Analytiker spår att PS5 Pro kommer sälja lika bra som PS4 Pro
Igårkväll utannonserades Playstation 5 Pro, en kraftigare variant av den snart fyra år gamla Playstation 5. Medan många häpnade över priset på 799 Euro exklusive skivläsare, var branschanalytikerna på Ampere snabbt ute och menade att deras prognoser pekar på att den lär sälja i paritet med Pro-versionen av Playstation 4, det vill säga sammanlagt knappt 15 miljoner exemplar lagom till 2029. Detta trots den signifikanta prisökningen i jämförelse med basversionen.
Piers Harding-Rolls, spelanalytiker på Ampere:"The price point of the PS5 Pro will inevitably cause a lot of commentary. The price point differential between the PS5 and PS5 Pro is between 40-50%, which is significantly more than the differential between the PS4 and PS4 Pro at launch."
"In the US, the PS4 Pro launched at $399 and the slim PS4 was $299 at the time, a 33% differential. Additionally, the slim PS4 had a retail price of $299 having dropped from the original PS4 launch price of $399."
Målgruppen för Playstation 5 Pro utgörs, enligt Ampere, av entusiaster, medan priset anses vara en direkt konsekvens av brist på konkurrens.
"We expect the price point to soften demand with some consumers, but for PlayStation enthusiasts the pricing is less of a consideration."
"PS5 Pro pricing reflects Sony's adjusted strategy to protect its margin, generally supply chain inflation and a lack of direct competitor to its mid-cycle upgrade compared to last generation (where Microsoft was preparing the Xbox One X),"
"The lack of competition means it is an easier decision for Sony to run with a higher price point to protect its existing margins. For most prospective PS5 consumers, the standard edition will represent the value sweet spot."