Kamala Harris denounces Trump as ‘fascist’ who wants ‘unchecked power’
Kamala Harris has denounced Donald Trump as a “fascist” who wants “unchecked power” and a military personally loyal to him after allegations emerged about the former president’s repeatedly voiced admiration for Hitler. On Wednesday, the vice-president gave a surprise speech from her Washington DC residence, doing so in the aftermath of reports that John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff, recalled how Trump lamented not having generals who swore loyalty to him in the same manner as military commanders served Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany #KamalaSpeaksOut #TrumpWantsUncheckedPower #NoGeneralsForTrump #DenouncingDonald #FascistInTheWhiteHouse #KellyConfirmsTrumpsAdmiration #HarrisTakesAStand #MilitaryLoyaltyIsForDictators #NeverAgainMeansSpeakingUp #StopTrumpBeforeItsTooLate #DenyTrumpHisDesires #NoHitlerForAmerica #TrumpsIdealsMatchHitlers #GeneralsShouldServeCountryNotPresident #HarrisWontStaySilent